Phase Cypher
Phase Cypher is a puzzle/maze game set inside a computer program. In a distant future, corporations are in total control of civil societies using techniques not conducive to sustaining the longevity of the people or the planet they inhabit. The world is now 98% unsuitable for supporting future inhabitants due to the countless years of mining for natural resources. The wealthy elitists stay high above the clouds in the floating city ATLAS… those who are middle of the bunch occupy the HAVEN, a massive metropolis connected to the matrix and home to any and all fetishes and desires. Those who are outlawed or banished remain in the WILD, a desolate wasteland filled with defectors, slum lords, and the disenfranchised cellar dwellers. You play as John Doe, a Data Hound hacker who is trying to lay low these days when an old companion gives him a ping on direct mail. The game play involves guiding data through a maze in order to reach an exit somewhere within the stage. You will have to dodge viruses as you try to reach each goal while keeping your avatar safe from harm. This game began as a prototype inspired by the hacking mechanic in the game Dex (available on Steam) and took just about a month to fully complete. The story was inspired by the Cyberpunk genre, with nodes to Philip K. Dick’s literary works, Neuomancer, Shadowrun, the Matrix and, of course, the Dex game.
Consider following me on social media for updates and content. You can also support my development habit by becoming a patreon supporter on my profile page. Don’t forget to follow me here as well! ^ ^
Tools used:
Acid pro
Reason 6
Construct 2
Gameplay Controls:
L Analog up or W key: move up
L Analog left or A key: move left
L Analog down or S key: move down
L Analog right or D key: move right
D pad up or Arrow up key: set data angle north
D pad down or Arrow down key: set data angle south
D pad left or Arrow left key: set data angle west
D pad right or Arrow right key: set data angle east
Space Bar or A button: send data at a varied degree angle
Start button or Return/Enter key: restart the stage
Q key or B button: phase data (for passing through malware or firewalls)
E or R key or X or Y button: alter the angle of data
***Best UX in Google Chrome… Firefox works as well***