
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Interesting story! I included it in my compilation video series of games from the Adventure Jam 2017, if you’d like to take a look :)

Hi there,

Nice unobtrusive music, and menus are very clean.
There are some problems with character movement when clicking on clues, but given the time available for the jam, not bad at all.
Graphisms are coherent and work fine.

Spaces to walk are a bit big and empty (in my mind, space in a ship is not cheap, everything must have a purpose). If you wish to build on your engine maybe start by reducing that a little and have a closer camera

Good job :)

Game Soundtrack

3 songs


The mission was simple, transport passengers to an earth like planet in another galaxy but as Jenny Shadley discovers things don't all ways go as planned.

Follow Jenny Shadley as she solves trivial puzzles to piece together what has happened on the space ship Pilgrim - One

PLEASE NOTE : This build of the game will be the final build. We would like to keep this game in its original form (Bugs and all) of what we have built during the #AdvJam2017.
We are still very much looking for feedback about this game as it helps us learn and hopefully helps us produce higher quality games. Thank you for your understanding.

#AdvJam2017 .

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

Our New Game!