Comments (14)
increible juego, corto, a lo que va, sin rodeos, animaciones y strench de sprites buenos, es increible
Oh my gosh what!? This is the best game in the jam so far, it is just so polished!
haha I L O V E the walk animation and sounds!!
Lots of great ideas in this one. I thought the control scheme was pretty interesting. That was one of the more challenging things to handle this jam, having two players on the same keyboard and I think your controls handle that quite masterfully. The game was challenging but had a lot of room for player growth and improvement. Great job!
Cool game! This has some really great ideas. I love the heavy UFOs that drop shells to block your movement, and the decision between repairing the planet or spending orbs on upgrades is really cool. The planet damage sprites are also nicely done.
The control scheme is great. I love how you managed to fit everything into just the arrow keys. The mechanic where you need to stop firing to collect orbs is great, too, especially because orbs disappear so you need to frequently collect them. Lots of well thought-out mechanics here!
Planet-Rebound is a simple rotatory survival shootemup.
Defend you planet from endless UFO waves, collect green orbs to upgrade your planet solo or with a friend.
The game can be played with 1 hand

#arcade #multiplayer #retro #shooter #survival
Open to feedback.