Comments (6)

Good job on your game! My current high score is 50 and it gets pretty challenging at that point. Do you have any ideas for what to add next? Power-ups, more obstacles, different sizes of asteroids, or maybe defense/offense systems for the ship?
Pretty good, but a couple of things could have been better. For starters, I thought the falling stars could hurt you at first (though that might just be me). Secondly I think your ship is too slow to keep up with the asteroids as the game goes on, even if you see the asteroids pretty far in advance they can't be dodged once the game is fast enough. Lastly, what's up with the particle effect on the asteroids? it's like... Tiny and funny looking.
Still pretty good though, I think you could fix all of these issues before the jam is over if you wanted to.
Nice game, but the music is creepy
¡Esta divertido esquivar los asteroides!
nave sin internet
te quedaste sin internet, no te preocupes juega este juego hasta que vuelva :v