Plato's winged chariot
A soul that flies and has to collect all the cardinal virtues to stay balanced and nice forever. You might fall onto a baby, btw. #action #arcade #retro
Human souls are represented as a charrioter who leads two horses. One of them is inmortal and withe. It is the representation of honor, temperance, glory and some other good stuff. On the other hand, the second horse is a mortal one. It is black and it wants to get back to earth to live as a mortal. It represents the mortal pleasures, the pride, lazyness and some other bad human atributes. The charrioter must keep balance between both horses so it can keep flying in the world of ideas.
When the dark horse wins and the soul destabilizes it falls to the real world. It actually falls onto a new born baby and BUM you have a full human now, because humans are the combination of a phisical body and a soul. During your life you get to grow some aspects of your soul by "remebering" some ideas you met up there, you know, in the world of ideas where they live. When you die your soul goes again into another human if it needs to learn more or it goes up again if its done learning and it has won its place of happyness in the world of ideas.