Comments (1)
Very funny game with lots of personality, even if that personality is kinda similar to a certain other game lol. Great use of motion capture. I enjoyed playing it a lot. The duck is a lie.
Please Proceed
We made this game for an university project at the
university of applied sciences Kempten - Germany
The main goal of this project was to develop a pipeline for body- and facial motion capture and integrate a fully animated character with this system.
The main focus was on the use of those motion capture systems to make his animations more vivid and expressive, than with conventional keyframe animation.
For more information you can visit the official games website of our university:
Dietmar Pisalski
Bernhard Strobl
Simon Fehler
Marian Friedrich
Simon Berger
Isabell Fleuter
Juliane Schulz
Stefan Schnurrer
Anna Tribulowski
Christoph Baumann
Project supervision: Prof. Dr. Klaus Ulhaas
Special thanks to our actor Marian Hawlik and FaceWare for providing
the Head-Rig for Viktor.
#other #HochschuleKempten #Kempten #Walkingsimulator #Funny #Animation #unreal #Mocap #MotionCapture #Facerig #weird #action