Game Community
PSR Community
34 Members

Comments (29)

What do you think?

im waiting :(

dej bete

chce w to zagrać teraz

I am waiting for it over a TWO YEARS :P

How did you make this?


September Update

Version: 0.1.06 months ago
September Update - First one of "mini" updates! A SAVES UPDATE!

Plushie Souls' Recreations (PSR) is single-player top-down game about living plushies controlled by souls of [REDACTED]... However there's not indeed story yet

Game contains nice OST, you can vibe to bangers composed by amazing dudes!

Project is now in BETA State and I have lot of plans for it

#platformer #rpg #action #other #strategy #puzzle #arcade #retro #adventure #roguelike #undertale

Mild Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Okey so!

I'm still working on PSR Beta 2.0 [This Update even had an Sneak Peak] and I'm sorry this is taking that long but... I have compared it with three availble already versions of the game and I'm disapointed of them

I prefer wait for the update! :3

Alright, I see arts like this in gamejolt and I'm glad that people like my work! But... I don't want to make a mess so it's seems to me that I should make a community about it, shouldn't I?

Arts by @GPTfan1337 and @Boxie

Thanks for you support dudes!

Oke, so!

There's a really big chance that my game "Plushie Souls Recreations" will be on steam! Ofc when the full release came out (Maybe Demo yet [Planned after Beta 2.0])
I will let you know if it happen. Take care!


Help Wanted.

Okay, so it's bit weird to me to ask about it but... I'm shitty at making music and my only musican has left the dev team.

So if soemone who reads it now, is good at making music and interested to help, I would be grateful

Here's an example:


(Beta 2.0)


Heya fellas! I have a question...

Is "Every death game became easier" a good solution?

I mean when a game part is too hard to you

And with lot of gameovers it's getting easier

To let you finaly pass it

What do You think about that idea?


Heya! I would like to ask You fellas, How can I improve this pause menu? Is it good? Or maybe You will changed Something? I'm open for all sugestions!

Btw part of gamplay od new version I'm working on now

[Also Ik that video is cutten but i can't fix it]

I wasn't postin' for a week but I'm working on new cool stuff like: Main charcter's emotions [depends from situation], new mechanics [like hiding under mask], Restorin' old things [Like Dash mechanic] And Remasterin' sprites. Here's a remaster of MC

Heya Fellas! Beta 1.5 is out now!
1.5 is conatains a half of new features that coming in 2.0
- Self-defense mechanic
- Better race platformer and YOU CAN PLAY WITH BOT
- Stronger Enemies [they kill you when they catch you now so they're more significant]


I managed to achieve my beloved FAKE 3D effect :D

(But the grass is terrible )