
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Nice, now do pointless with Imp D. and LLL

I can't enter the door in the cave where you get Richie. Is that a glitch?

Another note, game crashes at the point when Joel stays behind while Alex and Richie go ahead, just after picking up the Pink Pill.

I'm really liking this mod so far. Wouldn't mind you spending some more time on this to give Richie some more dialogue, smooth out bugs, maybe give him a couple more moves since he doesn't get anything after level 8 or so... Stuff like that.

I do quite like how you integrated shortened versions of Gardenias levels, making them recognizable without having them be too long.


Lisa the Pointless with Richie

Version: 1.0.1about 4 years ago

This is a project that is not affiliated with Dingaling Productions or Serenity Forge. It is designed to be played only after the official game has been completed. You can learn more about official LISA games here:

A mod for LISA the Pointless that adds Richie from Gardenias into the game. Complete with interactions and new areas.

Pointless by Edvinas Kandrotas.

Gardenias by Dinoburger.

Note: Couldn't be bothered to play test the whole thing so there might be a bug during the Downtown area and beyond.

#rpg #mod #LISA

Intense Cartoon Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes
Mature Humor

J'You ever wonder what would happens to the Pointless mods made before MU after it drops?

Should've fixed a crashing problem now.