You are a university student looking for a job, after many jobs that didn't work out, you find a warehouse job, and you accept without knowing what awaits you in that place.
"It's only five nights, what's the worst that can happen?" Well, everything.
We are just a small team that came up with the idea of making a fangame
but don't let that fool you, we will try to make the game good when it comes to mechanics and in the environment, I suppose.
Yes, the game will have characters with voices and that will remain hidden for now lol
protagonist: ???
Phone Guy: ???
Scarr: ???
Felix: ???
Protype: ???
Sunshine: ???
Director: Dartrix
supervisors: D-lig
Coders: D-lig
3D Modelers: Dartrix
Soundtrack: ???
Concept Art:
Story writters: Dartrix
, D-lig
Audios: ???