
Comments (4)

What do you think?

When should it come out? It looks interesting

Project Visceral is a fantasy open world action RPG game with a focus on character development and life simulation. It's still in an extremely early phase. (Still Prototyping)

My goal for Project Visceral to create a fantasy sandbox in which you can truly play any role that you wish. Whether it be a knight defending a town, a mage living their life in solitude, or a trader selling goods from town to town.

It's influenced heavily by The Elder Scrolls and old Crpgs like Baldur's gate. #rpg #action #other #scifi

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Mild Language

Recently I've finished the foundation for melee combat. It still needs some tweaking and parts are still subject to change, but I want to show it off :D.