
Comments (6)

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This game alone beats fnaw rebooted

This gamepage is a sign of an insane man

This is the game of all time


Five Nights At Wario's The Clock Pwiesh Edition

Version: 0.1.0about 2 years ago
Fun Fact: This shit is canon to the MLS Edition games

So one day, Priest189 came back from his vacation and had the idea of modding FNAW The Clock because MLS_FNAW did. So with MLS' help of some things, Priest made this game, and does not regret anything that had been added in this mod. #fangame #fnaf #horror #strategy #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

I forgot to announce the game is out, play it for cringe

Clear your schedule, because it's coming...

Everything is set, just need to find a way to put the scratch game into gamejolt

The mod is almost done, just need a few things, expect the game coming out sometime next week, other than that, here is the progress(Yes I speedran)

Future Mode: 100%

Origin Mode: 100%

Present Mode: 98.69%

Nightmare: 96.420%

Extras: 100%

Well, I don't know how to introduce this but.... here is the progress of the game

Future Mode: 100%

Origins Mode: 98%

Present Mode: 90%

Extras: 0%

Nightmare: 80%