
Comments (4)

What do you think?

I like it, How long did it take you to code it ?

the spamtom attack on the car is very unfair because it is always random, 100% of the time it will hit you at least once, also the attack of the vases is also very random, the problem is not veryvases themselves, the problem is the pedasos They fly away, they are very fast and random, so they are very difficult to avoid

[ Z ] - Select / Next Text / Dash / shoot (yellow) [ X ] - Skip / Back / Delete character (Trivia) [ C ] - Skip text REALLY FAST / Enter (Trivia)

[ ARROW KEYS ] - To Move Trough Menu/Battle


Made By @Team-MULTI

Coding By @Team-MULTI

Music By NicedMusic

Sprite Art By Nicedmusic/Temmie/Toby

#action #adventure #rpg #strategy #other #puzzle #survival

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling
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