
Comments (24)

What do you think?

I love this game man!

I'm back to develop!!!!!!! Now can I work on the game!

Fix some tilesets and add knockback to both the enemy if you hit it, and you if you get hit. Also the path to the castle wasn't that clear at first, maybe putting the rocky road leading up to it. Other than that, good alpha game.

I like how this is going. I would like sound FX and more original music. I would suggest that the crabs and raccoon get knocked back with sword hits. They don't seem to be phased by attacks until they are dead. I couldn't find anything else to do but explore. I don't know if there are dungeons, I couldn't find.

This is really good.


Quest of the Juggernaut - (ALPHA BUILD)

Version: 1.0.2over 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

Basic Summary : You are a steampunk medieval knight who is hungry for treasure, relics, and upgrades to your armor. Adventure througout the world to become the most powerful knight ever.

Controls :

Up - Up Arrow / W

Left - Left Arrow / A

Right - Right Arrow / D

Down - Down Arrow/ S

Start - Enter

A Button - Z / K

B Button - X / L

Known Bugs/ Unexpected Features

  • Some graphic problems have been reported. If you have any please be specific on what the issue is.

Quest of the Juggernaut is early in production and we encourage you to help us out a play test the current build. Submit any suggestions in the comments of the game. All people who follow the game will get a mention the the final version's credit reel!

The game was made based off of the legend of zelda mechanics and was limited to a staggering 54 color NES style pallete. Music was made to resemble the 8-bit tunes of the NES. And of course there is no interpolation of pixels (which would render the 54 color pallete useless). The first stage of the alpha was completed for the nesjam and was very short and probably buggy. But it was what we could do in 9 days of programming hours on end. Time to take our sweet, now plentiful, time.

If you are interested in joining the team then send me a shout on my profile and a friend request.

Made using the power of Gamemaker : Studio

Programmer and Spriter : Dual Instinct Games

Musician : Darrell Reconose -

Future Versions will Include -

Knockback and smarter AI, 10 dungeons, Respawing mechanics, sounds, bosses, amulets, treasure, items, upgrades, more overworld enemies, more dungeon enemies, better dungeon graphics, door animations, more shops, potions, ammo drops, flamethrowers, and much more. Along with vikings... vikings are awesome.


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

Weekly Update - 9/7/14

Development Update - 1.0.2