Comments (8)

Looks amazing
This will be the best thing ever
ravendale district
An expansion on HN2’s world that takes place in the city bordering Raven Brooks, titled Ravendale,
You play as a pizza delivery guy named Timothy who has taken to investigating the oddities taking place in Ravendale's abandoned Asylum, including other locations closely related to it.
The gameplay currently consists of going to every location and bringing key elements to the prison to make progress, tools youll need to aquire these items will be found in the open world. Its up to you how you tackle any challenge, there is no definitive solution for any obstacle.
The playable area consists of three zones; Abandoned, Suburban, and New Ravendale.
Ready to uncover the mysteries of your neighboring city? There is a demo in development set to release as soon as it’s finished.
Credits :
[ KlazziDev - Main lead
[ DizzyD - Co lead, playtesting, VA
[ FindableTag - Sidestory campaigns lead, playtesting
[ Tommy Coolatta - VA, soundtrack composition
[ Mario Broken The Last Star - modelling, 2d artwork, playtesting
[ Marcy - model revisions, texturing, rendered artwork
[ Conehead - VA
Discord : https://discord.gg/t6PEcmUqg3
#fangame #horror #platformer #puzzle #action #HelloNeighbor #HelloNeighbor2 #HN #HN2