
Sonic's Rigomore/Carrie's awesome 6-shot mod
Sonic Rigomore is a mod created and directed by Osore-chan and co-directed by @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY , the mod revolves around Kiseichu, a Japanese Onryo/vengeful spirit of a boy known as Toshiro Hiroki Saki and 4SHUR4W4RE, a glitch caused by malicious malware, and Retro, a virus that steals data from anyone's devices as a "funny prank" from a troll account on the anonymous user 4chan, currently, the mod is a demo with only 2 songs, the songs being Imminent Danger (will be removed in v1) and 0N3-L1F3, but in the future, the mod will have more future content.
@OSORE_CHAN : director and main artist, Kiseichu owner and creator
@PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY : co-director and artist, Kiseichu co-owner
imdude64 : allowed Retro/R3TR0 on the mod, made Retro's sprites
HowCanISayIt : composed Imminent Danger
cheesewithcake : composed 0N3-L1F3