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TeamBots Shootout - Main Release

Version: 0.1.1over 3 years ago
The main release line. No experimentals.

Game Soundtrack

1 song

TeamBots Shootout - Main Theme [By TornadoGamesStudios]

What is TeamBots Shootout?

TeamBots Shootout is a fun faster-paced action-packed first-person shooter game, in which four different colored factions of robots (red, blue, yellow, green) clash against each other!


TeamBots Shootout has basic controls as any other first-person shooter.

Look around - Mouse

Movement - WASD/Arrow keys

Jump - Spacebar

Fire - Left Mouse Button

Reload - R

Exit to menu (in-game) - ESC


During gameplay, you will be fighting on various battlefields with, and against computer-controlled players (bots). You will be offered a small range of different weaponry, and you may choose between several game modes such as Deathmatch, Fist-Fight, and more to come! You may also unlock various weapon skins by spending your hard-earned Bot Scrap in the in-game shop, and complete achievements for further rewards!

Note: These are all currently planned features with however no guarantee of them making them into the final game. Also, keep in mind the game is currently in the very early stages of development.


No story yet, but perhaps there will be some real reason as to why our battle bots are fighting each other!

Current Development Progress

You may track the progress of development in the posts of the game's site right here (make sure to follow!), and/or you may check out the Trello board for the game I've set up.

Trello Board:


First release (0.1.0) - 6th July 2021

0.2.0 - Not achieved

1.0 Release - Not achieved

10 Followers - 6th July 2021

20 Followers - Not achieved

30 Followers - Not achieved

#shooter #scifi #action #other #fps #firstperson #firstpersonshooter #pistol #rifle #sniper #fight #battle #AI #singleplayer #bots #futuristic #offline


FIRST VERSION OUT NOW! Go check it out!

More updates coming soon, so make sure to leave your feedback and follow me and the game to be the first to know about the game's evolution! :)

A reminder of the amazing work @Tornado-Games-Studios is capable of! I strongly suggest you head to them, if you need any help with your game's development.

A piece of their work:

TeamBots Shootout - Main Theme
Find the game and music here: thanks to Tornado Games Studios for making this soundtrack for the game. Go giv...

A little teaser for the upcoming update! I don't have a release date, and unfortunately, I am unable to make an estimation as to if and when the update will come out.

I will unfortunately be going away for a little over a week in about a day or two. This will of course make me unable to continue development for that time. I am upset but there is unfortunately absolutely nothing I can do.

The collab with @Tornado-Games-Studios is continuing! Can't quite release anything yet, but I must say, they are very talented music composers! Go support them :)