
Comments (27)

What do you think?


it so cool

when is it coming out?

A new adventures with Foes Old and New

After Infiltrating the Airship, Henry Sets off on new adventures that Are affected by decisions he had made in the past, However, when new faces arrive, it's up to Henry to do something about it.

Thumbnail by:

@stilbie (logo)

me (background)

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Q: When does Robbing the Casino take place in the timeline ?

A: As said before, RtC takes place after Infiltrating the Airship, basically Episode 3.5.

Q: Are Charles and Ellie in Robbing the Casino ?

A: Yes and No, Charles is confirmed but Ellie is deconfirmed unfortunately.

Q: When is Robbing the Casino gonna have a Release date confirmed ?

A: Whenever we finish all the animation in the game, that itself will take time.

Q: Why do Henry Stickmin Fangames take a long time to get finished ?

A: I know this is not RtC related but animating sticks is harder than it seems as an outsider, A Choice could take days, weeks or even months depending on the actual animation.

Q: How can I support this project ?

A: Spreading the word is very helpful so that works, also I recommend supporting more Henry Stickmin Fangames, not just 1 or 2, since these creators are actually really talented and deserve so much more.

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Tobacco Use
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

here is a sketch I did for the PBT path

bottom's up

RtC being on break is a bit sad, but you guys can have this, enjoy

(hey guys, I'll be holding some more polls for you guys to decide some stuff for RtC, nothing too major but it is something that I want to really get feedback from), so the first question is, what was your favorite part of the Robbing the Casino trailer ?

  19 votes Voting finished

WOAH, 12K in 2 weeks !? Tysm !!


Thank you for reaching 1K Views on the RtC trailer in less than 3 days, I really appreciate it and couldn’t have done it without you

Oh yeah btw, Here is where the trailer will have it’s world premiere :

Stickmin Direct 8.7.2023
Welcome to the very first Stickmin Direct! This is a showcase of several fan projects related to the Henry Stickmin Collection that are upcoming or already r...

Trailer is Dropping today, In about 10 hours or more

Something is coming really, really soon

Happy RtC day, will post some artwork soon.