
Comments (1)

What do you think?

I got something special in store for all of you..
So keep an eye out for those secrets.


Why? [Demo]

Version: 0.1.0over 7 years ago
[Hopefully] Official release of Why?, the demo.

You are here.
You should not be.
Yet you are.


[This game is a demo for a reason. Though it's not /easy/ to work on this game, it's not too difficult, either.
This game was heavily inspired by nostalgia for Yume Nikki and the few memories I had of it that just popped out of nowhere.
To be perfectly honest, I'm not 100% sure what I'm going for with this. It's, without a doubt, the weirdest thing I have worked on since I tried to make a remix of Build Up Our Machine, but every time something creepy is said or happens, The Rock and John Cena do a duet of two completely different songs.

Don't ask.. I'm weird.

Anyway, this game /does/ have one, (Currently) set.. Story to it. But the only way for you to find that story out is to delve into this game as deep as you possibly can. Even in the demo, there are going to be many questions that arise from this 'game'. That said, I hope you enjoy Why?]

[Sidenote: Why?, was not the original title. The original title was Blank. But I thought that'd make no sense with the story I input, so.. I changed it.]

{Special thanks!

My parents: For building up my confidence! (... Only to tear it back down again and again, making me only want to work harder and prove them wrong.)
Isamon: For being such a close and supportive friend, who always makes me laugh my ass off. Love ya, girl! Stay weird! <3
Grace: For being.. Grace. For existing, even when times got tough for both of us. Thank you for standing by me.
Stoner Jesus- (okayno) Jerad: For being the only weirdo in my life to set his bed on fire then put it out with Dr. Pepper.
That.. That is just... B ea u tifu l.
Rey: You are so supportive, and kind, and caring! I couldn't thank you enough, really! Stay awesome, and keep.. Having a... Thing for that.. Skeleton. ... YEAH-
Rae: (I think I got it-??) For being that super awesome friend that you can go to with anything, and they're just like: 'Coolios, m8'. Everyone needs a friend like you.
Aurora (Codename: Sissy!): Thank you. Just thank you. For living. For breathing. For still going. Thank you.
Ariel: (Also codename: Sissi!) You are one of the weirdest, yet funniest people I've met, and I am so happy, and proud, to be a part of your life.
Conner: Let me just say, you are weird. And your emotions are confusing, but I am proud to call you my friend, and know you.
Gus The Goose: ... Okay, I don't really know why, but thank you. Seriously.
Totty: For proving to me that promises can be broken. Happy, kind, caring hearts can be a front. And that no matter how good YOU are at something..
I can always become so much better.

DAGames, 8-BitRyan, 8-BitGaming, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, CrazyShootin', TheBeerCake, Cryaotic, Spibbles, Szin, and more..
For being my suicide prevention hotlines. Thank you for teaching me how to put down the knife. Thank you for saving my life.

And, we can't forget..

You. The player.
You took the time to take a look at this game. You took time to download it. Play it. Maybe even make a let's play on it.
You took your valuable, short time on this Earth, to see what I had created.
Even if you don't, or didn't, like it.. The thought alone is more than enough for me.
Stay awesome.
All of you.}

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans
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