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Scratch Pizza Panic 1st D-E-M-O
To see its mechanics, press and hold "M" and place the mouse over the character whose mechanics you want to see (THIS IS A DEMO!!!!!!! PROBABLY BE CANCELLED!!!!!)
Scratch Pizza Panic 2nd D-E-M-O
To see its mechanics, press and hold "M" and place the mouse over the character whose mechanics you want to see (THIS IS A DEMO!!!!!!! PROBABLY BE CANCELLED!!!!!)
Scratch Pizza Panic 3rd D-E-M-O!
To see its mechanics, press and hold "M" and place the mouse over the character whose mechanics you want to see (THIS IS A DEMO!!!!!!! PROBABLY BE CANCELLED!!!!!)
Scratch Programming Place Programming Panic! (Scratch Pizza Panic 4th D-E-M-O)
Scratch Pizza Panic 5th Demo
Scratch Programming Place Programming Panic! (SPPP) Demo 6TH!
Press "M" to know the mechanics of each character (Leave "M" pressed and put the mouse over the character you want to know the mechanics of) press "F" to turn on the light (only works in the office) (this game Its a demo)
Scratch Pizza Panic Seventh Demo!
Presiona "M" para conocer la mecánica de cada personaje (Deja "M" presionada y coloca el mouse sobre el personaje del que deseas conocer la mecánica) presiona "F" para encender la luz (solo funciona en la oficina) (esto juego es una demostración)
Scratch Pizza Panic Pre-Last Demo
Press "F" to turn on the flashlight and Press "G" to make Giga leave
Game Soundtrack
Main Menu Theme (Sonic's Pizza Simulator Pizza Panic DEMO)