Game Community
Sandu's Community
61 Members

Comments (3)

What do you think?

Sandu is an onion

I'm hype for this games and as I like your games your a fantastic creator and your games are unique

why is the link apk??? W H Y


Sandu's UCN(1st Demo)

Version: 1.0.09 months ago
1st demo for the game. Report bugs.

For @SanduArnaut

Welcome to Sandu's Ultimate Custom Night!

A Fan-made custom night featuring characters by Sandu himself, as well as some inspirations.


Sandu(Sandu's Challenge 1)

Daniel(Sandu's Challenge 1)

James(Sandu's Challenge 1)

Kim(Sandu's Nights)

Emelia(Sandu's Challenge 2)

Lucas(Sandu's Challenge 2)

He(Sandu's Challenge)

She(Sandu's Nights)

Proto Sandu(Sandu's Nights 2)

Proto Daniel(Sandu's Nights 2)

Proto James(Sandu's Nights 2)

Sandionette(Sandu's Nights 2)

Old Sandu(Sandu's Nights 2)

Old Daniel(Sandu's Nights 2)

Old James(Sandu's Nights 2)

#fangame #horror #strategy #pointnclick #survival #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

All demo characters finished. The last thing to do is to beat 8/20.

1st demo is almost finished.


Back in business

Once scratch stops being a B I can release the game:

I have a proposition for you guys

Progress resuming today.

Now that the SMS Demo is released, I can take a break on the SMENF series and continue progress on this.

Testing 6/20 Mode in Sandu's UCN
Testing 6/20 Mode for a new custom night game I'm making. Should release by the 15th-17th for sure.