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Haggae Find Dotie For a Good time
The sprite looks nice but now this game will be created it but it forever will be
You need to learn to stop copy music but it a Sonic
Haggae and Dotie is a TEAM.
One little time, Sofie Karf and her grandma has going to fun!
But the lucky puppy was sleeping, A safer 6 age Dog.
First starting of Touch every men and women just learned about now you be safe: You never talk mean,You never do things fast, and if you a hero or legend if you can be evil like a seral killer.
Sofie Karf create a soft picture of Haggae the lucky puppy.
But the evil robot try to broken the art and steal her. But the robot was made by the Insane King Bear.
This is a lnsane King Bear, The name is Nerio Choas!
Nerio Care about kids love hero aminals or a hero never die never.
But a man give Sofie Karf a letter.
But it says
Now Haggae have magic gloves.
The 13 years old panda was name was Sonic Doll, The 13 years old Cat was name was Sam, the oldest game man was name was Steve, and the young 3 age was name was Larry. But they try find some Sackkit island human, but they didn't. Larry: Hi what a great morning.
But I have a Character was edit as Miles 'Tails' Prower.
But it's newer than this
But if Haggae hit danger tool like Spikes or fire or Sans Bones or Gasters Blaster Haggae will die like 60 seconds than he grow alive but if you kill him 3 times he will look like this
He Called nice Killer Haggae, But he wouldn't kill you. But if you kill him again he will called Killer Haggae. Killer real kill you, But if you wait to 60 he will change into normal. He and real life because