Comments (13)
Friday Night Shiftin' was a Project I was making before I was banned but now I'm not so I'm making it again… BUT REVAMPED
Story: Boyfriend feeling lonely (this is before he was with Pico or GF) Decided to play the new game Among Us, in his lobby he came across a bunch of cool people like Shiane, Blook (and his son, Blane), Greene, Corey, Fred, and Aftan. The game starts and Boyfriend meets Aftan and Shiane in the Meeting Room, having nothing to do BF and Aftan have a rap battle… what’s the worst that can happen”
Special Thanks:
@Clowfoe for inspiration “Friday Night Funkin V.S. Impostor”
Funkin Team: For Friday Night Funkin
#fnf #amongus #impostor #mod #sus #fridaynightfunkin
Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language