
Rocket Money - Silver Certificates
PDF - Rocket Money
Rocket Money - MacOS
Rocket Money (Windows)
Rocket Money (Linux)
This... is a Game/Project...
While this could kind of be a game, it's more of a family project. If you really want to, you don't need this web tool... Still we made this tool to help make it a lot easier. Use the calculator to calculate how much one Rocket Buck costs in USD. Then you can print out and laminate your own rocket money for your household. If they ever want to cash it in... use the calculator to calculate just that.
This web tool is something I made so kids and adults could better understand how money used to work... With Gold and Silver certificates. One can trade it with family and friends, in exchange for toys or what not. It could be the way you pay your kids for chores, or an allowance, instead of using real money.
We hope you find this web/desktop tool helpful. We'll continue to improve it the best we can, to make it even better.

How to use:
1. Print out our fake Rocket Money, or buy fake money from the dollar store, or make your own.
2. Distribute the new "currency".
3. Whenever they are done trading it with themselves, and want to cash it in for real money: Input the current price of silver into the game, and double tap anywhere.
How does it work?
The calculator take the current value of silver, and divides it, to fit into dollar format. When finished calculating, the "End Value" is equal to how much 1 "Fake Dollar" is worth, in "USD".
How do we calculate this?
Here's the math we us to calculate this: Silver Price: $19.28 / 30 = 0.64 * 2 = Dollar Value: $1.28
Where can I find Silver's current Bid Price?
You can find it here: https://www.jmbullion.com/charts/silver-prices/#
PLEASE NOTE: JM Bullion does not endorse this app. They have no affiliation with this app, or BlastOffProductions, or BlastOffGames.
This app is solely for fun ONLY!!! You are not allowed to be serious around this app. If you are having fun with this app, lasers will be deployed and you will be vaporized. #other #family #familygames #multiplayer #money #silver #coverter #numbers #calculator #Unity #WebGL #HTML5 #Webgame #education #educational #multiplayer #quarantine #selfquarantinegames #puzzle #Mac #windows #linux #altgame #New #newrelease #allages #project