Pixemetric #action #pointnclick #adventure #platformer #retro #scifi
HOTFIX Update 1.5.3,
Fixed an issue when buying items from a blacksmith

Update 1.5.2,
Dear players, this is probably the last update on this platform, the game will continue on the Steam platform.
The update includes a fixed system of gems, Thanks to "Nicolay Goroniewicz" for writing the plot and for helping with the story.

Update 1.5.0 has just appeared! and in it, gems that help in battle, added new npc to the city that allows you to upgrade gems, improved equipment system, ability to switch graphics, bonus chest that contains items.

Christmas update has just arrived!. Added 2 new maps "Swamps" and "Ice Hills", an item system with a new location: "City" where you can buy new items such as helmet, weapons, armor. Added Statistics System along with level progress.
Information about the development of this game: Currently Pixemetric is also available on the Linux platform. Pixemetric has not been developed because of other projects. Pixemetric will get a bug-fix in the future.