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Slender Space, also known as SlenderSpace or SpaceSlendy, is a short first-person survival horror game based off Slender: The Eight Pages and Dead Space. It was developed by @rickkmurray and @jefferywalker using the game engine Unity and was first released in February 2013.
Original Description!
Collect 6 power nodes and escape from a spaceship while avoiding the Slenderman. Staring at the Slender Man will drain your sanity - losing your sanity will have negative effects and will likely get you killed.
A developer of Slender Space.
Secondary developer.
Creator of Slenderman.
Creator of Slender: The Eight Pages.
Creator of Dead Space.
-WASD to move.
-Mouse to look.
-F for flashlight.
-E to pickup.
External Links!
#fangame #action #scifi #strategy #slender #space #collect #horror #survival #puzzle #archives