
Comments (31)

What do you think?


as both a doom and slendytubbies fan,i found this little wad pack really neat!,but i do have some issues that could be improved for later episdoes,the ammo seems to be really limited even when fighting hoards of enemies,i struggled to keep even a small bit of ammo for the last 2 enemies in the last level,i feel like allowing the player to get enough ammo to fight these harder enemy counters could improve the games later episodes a bit,and maybe even some enemy HP adjustments,some take a bit too long to kill even with basic weapons,and melees arent really the best in most cases regardless of what your fighting in a doom game,i enjoyed the maps this game has and the music was good, i got lost a few times even just to find secrets or more ammo,but regarldess of getting lost and dying a few times i had a good time with this,and i enjoyed the weapons as well and im excited to see where the story goes from here,besides some improvements and adjustments this doom wad is really charming and well made,when episdoe 2 or more maps are made i'll be sure to give em a shot,but i also wanna say ya might wanna be careful bundling this with a free copy of doom 2,it might get ya in trouble ^^',but im looking forward to seeing more of this!,great job! ^^

Where mod?

The sprite work is really good! the gameplay, not so much.


Slendytubbies DOOM Episode I

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago



This spinoff story takes place near the begining invasion of the ST3 universe. And has no real correlation with the original timeline.



You wake up, apparently you fell asleep at your desk again. But somethings off, it's too quiet and a sinister scent of rot lingers around you. Something is up and it'd be best to pack heat and fast for you must now make your way past abominations of infected kinds the space shuttles to get off this danmed station.




(This Zip contains zandronum along with a copy of DOOM II to run the game and it's contents)

This WAD can only be ran using Zandronum. It is uncompatible with ZDOOM of any version!



Go to settings and

1.Set keybinds WASD (For proper Strafe Movement)

2.MouseLook (Optional)

3.Fix player hud to fit both sides of screen (As mentioned further in Video Adjustment)

4.Set Keybinds for Jumping and Crouching (These WILL be necessary for progression ingame!)

5.Have autorun off (Optional)

Reccomended renderer prefix


Use OpenGL ! Software makes some graphics and sprites appear unaturally and is really cursed to look at. Also invisaborns are completely invisable.


#survival #puzzle #shooter #strategy #horror #action #retro #fangame #scifi

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language


After the release and people go to play the game I'll be recording all slendytubbies games to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the SlendyTubbies series.

The OST is Finished. Hope Y'all enjoy this midiPack of the OST

SlendyTubbies DOOM MIDI-OST
All Music is by me.


Until I manage to get people that can actually help me and the SlendyTubbies DOOM Project. it won't get finished. And hopefully I can find some people that can help with it's story, mapping, and coding for the game.