
Comments (10)

What do you think?

It would be cool if this game EVER gets completed, however I guess that PROBABLY won't happen even just because your initial passion for this game has completely run out. However I hope that you get some help with it and that ONE DAY this game IS eventually completed because it looks so TOTALLY AWESOME so far.

Hey Cherrim, I just want to say that this game is awesome! Even i'm still in part 1 this is a one hell of game! well, i did not experience bugs so far, i just want to say that, even if few people know this game, i just want to see complete, and please put more female characters in part 2 my friend!

It IS TOTALLY AWESOME to see that this game IS still being made, even though the progress has slowed down somewhat for now, New things ARE being added to some of the chapters that were already made and other things are being fixed and so on.

Hey my friend! I finally beat part 1! It was Awesome!, soon i will play the part 2 my friend!, I hope that you update it to put more girls like Fire Emblem, Touhou Proyect, Even anime!!!

Hey Cherrim, I've been playing through part 1 of this series and have been having an absolute blast in all honesty. However, I've been running into a few bugs I think you should know about. The biggest bug is that I can't fight any of the vegetable forced encounters in the revisit to Tutorial Mine because the game can't find an audio file for a song called CORE in BGM, which causes the game to crash. The two other bugs I've found both relate to being unable to properly use stairs in the revisit to Peach's Castle; where I can't descend the top floor stairs back to the bottom floors after unlocking the rest rooms, and a house in Kakoriko village where I can't ascend them. That's all I've found so far, you've done a great job on the game and I'm having a lot of fun playing it.


Super Smash Bros. RPG Duology v2.0

Version: v2.0.0about 3 years ago
The file is too big for Gamejolt, so use the mirror link. The Gamejolt link only leads to an outdated version ofPart 1. The entire game can be downloaded at this folder link:

I've been working on this project since 2015 (about 6 years or so) and I am finally done (mostly)! This game is a duology, containing two games. The first one is about 10-15 hours long and the second one is about 20-30 hours long. It contains 200+ characters and a ton of gaming references across multiple video games. Overall, it's a crossover game! I hope you guys would enjoy it! #strategy #rpg #smash

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Made a Discord server for this game! Check it out here

Another new update! Alongside a new trailer! Redownload the game to get the update.

This... will probably be the last I do of this. Thank you all who supported me, I hope this trailer is to everyone's liking. Please subscribe!!Download Link:...

NEW UPDATE FOR BOTH PARTS! This update is a pretty big quality of life update, and it also adds new stuff to Part 2!! The download link is the same, feel free to redownload it!

I'm going to be posting a walkthrough of this game to my YouTube channel! I hope it helps whoever plays it!

Super Smash Bros. RPG v2.0 Part 1 - Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins
Now that I have finally updated this game so it's not cringe and outdated anymore, and that I have finished Banana Bash Remastered, I wanted to create a walk...

MAJOR UPDATE!! Part 1 has been updated to v2.0 and Part 2 has been updated to v0.6.5! Download now :)

RELEASE - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate RPG Duology v3.0
Multiverse Timeline is out now! Woohoo! I also reworked the entirety of the first game cause I look back at it and I cringed sometimes. (Highly suggest you g...