
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Its it a great game. I like how listening is the clue that you have. Although like Honno was implying, it maybe a bit too difficult.

I think the pure listening as the clue is a bit obtuse because you just end up playing the notes seperately to get a grasp of things, rather then play it more fluidly ie listen once and puzzle it out from there. But really cool concept.



Version: 1.3.0about 4 years ago

A musical puzzle game with a minimalist aesthetic.

Built entirely with VanillaJS, using the Canvas graphics API. All animation, audio, level design and programming done by myself.

New features in Web and Windows versions:

- Level select menu

- Speed select menu

- Brand new Levels

Old version available on the Google Play Store.


I decided to do a complete redesign of the levels in Sol. I have updated the Web and Windows versions with additional features such as level selection and a playback speed menu.

Unfortunately, the service I was using to target Android is now defunct.

iOS Release

Sol has made it through Apple’s review process and is now available on the App Store. Get it for your iPhone or iPad today.

Link to App Store [… ]

Android and Kindle Deployment