Comments (8)
Hopefully ur able to release B4CK SL4SH, cuz I'd love to play the song! :D
also great work on getting these songs in a pych folder! :)
Holy shit dude, im put this in psych engine android and the b4ck sl4sh song bug in phase 2
Can I put the 'mods' folder into the Psych Engine base to play it from there?
It wont let me download it
Sonic.exe 3.0 But in a psych engine folder .rar
the last update is here i took it out before time because i didn't feel comfortable with the development so here it is big thanks to mod eddskillaton for the too fest warning script (didn't have time to change the image)
Sonic.exe 3.0 in a psych engine folder
If you like the 3.0 build but your want for you personal psych engine he is your solution
Only you need a psych engine 0.6.2
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence