
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Hey boys, Mika just showed me the newest version and I tried it.
I suck at this game to be honest and would like an easier mode (with more health and more ammo). One more thing: please lower the volume of the explosions. My ears are already bleeding... Otherwise great job. Keep up the good work!

This game looks nice, boys. I'm looking forward for updates in the future.

Best game if played in a while when its finished it will be great


Spectown Melter

Version: 1.1.0almost 4 years ago

Controls: W,A,S,D to move. Space to plant a bomb. 1 above Q to throw a grenade in the mouse cursor direction. Hold left mouse to shoot(be carefull with your ammunition). E to open a keyhole when stood next to it and to enter a level door in the Hubworld.
Thats basically it. ^^

#shooter #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

You can cheat a lot of money by standing on the 5$ buy button in Level 1 and then typing "joemama". You'll get 1337 coins. It's helpful if the game is too hard for you and quite fun to do a run like that sometimes. is here

many changed Textures and a lot of added sounds.

Items polished up a bit

And a few minor improvements

This patch probably concludes this game. For me it is about time to end this chapter!

Finally Spectown Melter Ver!

-Game has an End now

-Achievement Medallions for beating the game in under 30 minutes

-Fullscreen mode

-lots of other things

Something is on its way...

A New Update is here 0.8.7 Things added:
-A New Item called Repair System
-More Eye candy and Sounds
-A boss with Music in L14
-A new enemy that shoots laser beams
-New Textures
-A tint of communism
-Improvements for Hacking System