
Comments (29)

What do you think?

Even as a remake coming along, I personally think a through development process could help the community of the game wake up. What I really mean is share what the next game is gonna provide, and share.

Instead of it all, it's just this. Let's see what you can do. Good luck!

ever since then my house has been making weird noiises

can i ask something.
at the bigining of the game di couldnt find out what to do for some reson the game froze agzactly at 3:00 and i thought to mysef this game cant be haunted and i have a thing i want you to anser. When was this game made? Tell me befor sunday plz! and the game also said my reall name on it .... please tell me when this game was made

I like how all of the reviews of the game are from the creator.

ok ANSER ME WHY WAS THIS GAME LIKE 2 minutes i just started and im already done but after irs says to be continued do you go to the 2nd one?


Spindly Man: Part I (Classic)

Version: 0.1.0almost 8 years ago

You awaken at night to hear a loud bang in your house...
You rush into the kitchen only to find your favorite pages missing and a tall spindly man standing there, gazing into your soul...

Hello guys, it's me Bulge-Boy returning after quite some time after my last release (Spaca Problems GO). I present to you my latest and greatest release yet Spindly Man!

Spindly Man is a short yet terrifying parody of 'Slender Man' where you have to go on an emotional and horrific journey to find your lost pages.

Remember to play until completion (As it's a really short game) and rate 5 stars on gamejolt!

Thank you :)

-Bulge Boy


"An instant cult classic. I was hooked from when I started the game, until the very end" - Bulge-Boy

"I literally couldn't stop crying at the end. It was honestly heart breaking. If you haven't played Spindly Man: Part 1 yet then what the hell are you doing?!" - Bulge-Boy


"It's a good effort I guess, son" - My dad :)


Mild Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Drug Use
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language

Announcing 'The Spindly Man', a REMAKE of the Spindly Man Trilogy!

Cool Kid Alarm: Definitive Edition is OUT NOW

The Official Trailer for my NEW GAME is LIVE! Check it out!


...I am back...

Spindly Man is a year old today!!!