Comments (2)
looks aweome! i don't know how to play RPGs, but I'd love to try it
StarFox Battalion RPG
All things realted to the StarFox Battalion Fan RPG go here
StarFox Battalion Blank
Blank Character sheets for Starfox Battalion
StarFox Battalion Rulesbook 0.5
Can't play the game without the Rulesbook. This is the older version i will post the newer one later this week
StarFox Battalion Pregen 0.5
All Pregen characters for 0.5 StarFox Battalion are here
StarFox Battalion 0.6 Rulesbook
0.6 Is here
StarFox Battalion 0.6 Pregens
Already made characters for the 0.6 and posibly 1.0 version
StarFox Battalion 0.6 Blank
Blank character sheets for 0.6 possibly 1.0
Game Soundtrack
Creation Hub
- 1.Creation Hub
- 2.Start your Adventure (One Shot Campaign)
- 3.At the Great Fox
- 4.Training Room Starfox Battalion
- 5.You're on the Team! Training Complete
- 6.Main Theme Starfox Battalion
- 7.We Need Your Help StarFox!
- 8.Select your Pilots
- 9.Lylat Star Map
- 10.Good Luck!
- 11.Arwing Scramble
- 12.Skybound Arwing Intro
- 13.Take Flight!
- 14.Do it Fox McCloud!
- 15.Man's Best Friend Miyu Lynx and Fay Spaniel
- 16.Bunny of the Skies Lucy Hare
- 17.Lenora and her Squad
- 18.Snow Quazar Theme
- 19.Mr. Genius Slippy Toad
- 20.Kursed The Fallen Hero!
- 21.Hotshot Phesent Incoming
- 22.Invunerable! Starfox Battalion
- 23.Cornerian Monkey Pilot Dash Bowman
- 24.Corneria Defence Force Bill Grey
- 25.The Old and the Wise Peppy Hare
- 26.Boss Incoming
- 27.Boss Battle
- 28.Boss Alert Low Shield
- 29.Boss Battle Pinch
- 30.Boss Battle B
- 31.Boss Battle B Pinch
- 32.Boss Defeated
- 33.Boss Battle C
- 34.Boss Battle C Pinch
- 35.Arwing Mission Completed
- 36.Pilot Unlocked
- 37.Planet Completed
- 38.Ship Lost 1
- 39.Ship Lost 2
- 40.Ship Lost 3
- 41.Arwing Mission Failed
- 42.Continue with your Teammate
- 43.Ship Lost 4
- 44.Ship lost 5
- 45.Ship Lost 6
- 46.Game Over!
- 47.Cornerian Theme
- 48.Mission Complete (On Foot)
- 49.Lose a life.
- 50.Misson Failed (On Foot)
- 51.Continue with your Teamate (On Foot)
- 52.You got Revived!
- 53.This is only the Beginning (Ending 1)
- 54.Mission Over! See you again soon.
- 55.Titanian Theme
- 56.Aquasian Theme
- 57.Thorntail Hollow
- 58.Thorntail Shop
- 59.Got an Item
- 60.Fichinian Theme
- 61.Papetoonian Theme
- 62.Boss (Aparoid Infected Teammate)
- 63.Boss Pinch (Aparoid Infected Teammate)
- 64.Theme from Macbeth
- 65.Venomian Theme
- 66.Wolfen Squad Attack Starfox Battalion
- 67.Wolfen Squad Attack Pinch Starfox Battalion
- 68.Battle Andross 2
- 69.Meteor Belt
- 70.Kewenese Theme
- 71.Fortunian Theme
- 72.Sector X of Lylat
- 73.Mission Cleared! (Sector)
- 74.Zonesian theme
- 75.Eladardion Theme
- 76.Planet completed 2
- 77.Venomian Theme 2
- 78.Fight Star Wolf!
- 79.Boss Battle Andross
- 80.Not so Great Leader Fox McCloud! Starfox Battalion
- 81.Fox MCcloud Recoved
- 82.To the Orbital Gate
- 83.Hextechnia Homeworld of the Aparoids
- 84.Final Boss Aparoid King Hexodion and Andross
- 85.Final Boss Complete
- 86.You Saved The Lylat System!
- 87.Congratulations Cadet... No Member!
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans