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The Submarine Adventure

Version: 0.1.0about 4 years ago

In this game you play as a small Robot submarine exploring an Ocean enviorement.

At the moment, this game is in its Devlog-Only State.

In terms of what I have done, I have movement down, I got some models of plants, an underwater effect, and the game at the moment, is playable, but I want to make sure it is much better and has more stuff before I actually start publishing it.

Hopefully, I will upload a gameplay video soon.

#submarine #adventure #other #underwater #inthemaking


The first beta of The Submarine Adventure has been posted, its not finished at the moment, but I think there is at least a few things you can do in the game.

Hey guys.

So pretty much, Im planning on adding a sailboat on the water surface to make it look more realistic, as if someone on a boat sent this little submarine to explore the ocean.

So I decided to post the boat model.

Any feedback will be appreciated.

Low-Poly Sailboat - Download Free 3D model by Kenepin (@santiagokkenneth614) [fdf3858]
Made in blender. Im pretty happy with how it turned out. I can definetly see room for improvement, but I personally beilieve I did a good job. Any type of feedback is welcomed. - Low-Poly Sailboat - Download Free 3D model by Kenepin (@santiagokkenneth6...

Here is a gamplay video on my game

Im pretty happy about it, but I can definetly see that there is room for improvement. But Im still really proud by this being my first actual game. I will appreciate any feedback.
