
Comments (3)

What do you think?

cmon why its long



Super Mech (working title) Is a sort of... Rogue-like.. Arena combat.. horde mode.. Listen alright it's a lot of things. Imagine Pokemon, if it was an action combat game, but also a rogue-like, and maybe kind of Killing Floor.

I grew up on Gotcha Force, and Halo Reach: Firefight. This game incorporates gameplay elements of both. I want to create a game where you can bring a team of characters (like pokemon, for example) into a map, and you go as far as you can with the characters you have, while either playing against another team of similar bots, or a horde mode game, and you last as long as possible.

The main focus of this game is combat.

This game is extremely incomplete, and right now we're in alpha stages. I want input from you guys, to tell me what I'm doing wrong, and what I can improve, before I get so deep into development that those things can't be undone. I've had my head so deep in this hole for so long, that a lot of the little annoying things, I just can't see anymore, so I need a fresh perspective. I want you guys to be brutal, tell me the things you hate, the things you think I could add, and the stuff I should remove.

There will be a link in the main menu that will direct you to a Google Form that will allow you anonymously submit suggestions and complaints to me. You can submit your name if you want, but it's up to you. for the following updates, I'll be releasing videos and text posts detailing what's been changed, and who suggested the changes.


Planned Features

The current plan is to add more bots, and more stages, and more gamemodes as I get feedback, and as you guys decide things are acceptable enough. The first step in this will be horde mode

  • Hats

  • New Offensive Abilities: Rockets (Burst Fire), Spartan Laser (charged laser), Chain lightning, drones that hover around you and shoot things, mines, black hole grenade, MIRV Bomb/Missiles, Lightning Missiles (Sounds frivolous and unnecessary? Exactly.),

  • New Evasive Abilities: Dodge Roll, Metroid Style ball dash, Sprint, Blink, backflip, cannon fodder drones that will attempt to take hits for you

  • New Defensive Abilities: Reflective Shield, Drones, deployable turrets, healing drone, ability that freezes enemies, deployable barrier,

  • Melee Character: Laser Sword, Laser Hammer, melee drone that is deployed and smacks things around it (Like a totem from Path of Exile)

  • More Stages, which you will be able to switch between while playing. The further you go, the harder the game gets. (Procedural city, procedural ruins, underground geothermal plant)

  • Score System, which will equate to experience.

  • Leveling system

  • Perk System

  • More enemies: Melee enemies, Burrowing Enemies, flying enemies that basically jump over you then are hittable again once they land (humanoid birds), erratic spider mechs, BEARS, raptors, shield knight, gattling gunner, mechanics that heal other enemies, mine layers, acid dropping enemies, engineers with turrets, mechromancer (no, not that kind of romance), shield drones

  • Bosses/Mini Bosses: Hercules Beetle, Pangolin (burrowing/shielding)

  • Powerups and drops in game.

  • Split Screen

  • Rogue like system where you go into a map, and start at level 1, and collect loot/perks along the way, but keep some things to use in future runs of the game.

#shooter #topdownshooter #action #retro #lowpoly #stylized #survival #gacha #other #roguelike

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

New Video detailing what's new in the first Alpha release!


Patch 1.0.2 for the Combat Alpha has been released.

If you guys are interested in seeing me work on SuperMech, I stream every Sunday at 12PM ET (lunch time), and I've got all my streams archived as well.

Stream link:

Archived stream playlist:…

0.0.7 update is out! Check out the video, or my patreon if you want access to the game prior to release!


0.0.7 Update Roadmap