
Swarm survival post jam
Swarm survival
This is my entry for the ludum dare 44. The theme is 'Your life is currency'.

It's kind of a platformer... see it for yourself!
I've just heard about the jam 10h ago, so i've tryed my best in this little time. I will work on the Project after the jam to compensate the timeloss and hope to bring this project to a stadium where it is nicely playable.
Till then i have to explain some thinks, that the game dosen't tell you:
restart the game with โrโ -use โescโ to go back to the menu
move up with โspaceโ move left and right with โaโ and โdโ
you have to get as fast as possible to the goal
you get a bonus if you have more then one life
you get an even bigger bonus if you find a timeitem and sacrefice one or more lifes
save with enter
the maps are saved in the 'maps'-folder
the edited map is always saved as 'test.map'
you have to delete or rename the old 'test.map'-file to save the maps correct
use '1', '2', '3' to switch between modes
What are modes?
mode (line):
create a line with leftmouse --create a new line with space
spawn static cubes along the line with rightmouse
mode (player):
set the player/s with leftmouse
mode (goal):
set the goal/s with leftmouse
mode (timebonus-item):
set the timebonus-item/s with leftmouse

I hope you like it. Have fun!
Link to my #LudumDare page: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/44/swarm-survival
#LD44 #LudumDare44