
Comments (6)

What do you think?

I can't get past the 3rd night of the game. How do I beat the monster that is introduced that night?

character spoiler!:

how do I deal with the shadow man? I can't figure out how to stop him.

In short, it is impossible to complete the game because I canโ€™t complete the first night, although I do everything right


The Long Voyage

Version: 1.1.08 months ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Main Night Ambiance

"I have been called to send 3,000 tons worth of armor and ammunition to soldiers along the Maginot line, as the French government has plans to extend it.

I have been given an inadequate sailing vessel dating back to before the Civil War in America, dangerously retrofitted with a very powerful steam engine. I guess the German invasion has run the French pretty dry.

I headed out last week from the port of Vancouver. Alone. Iโ€™m not sure why. My best estimates project a travel time of 6 days, seven if I'm unlucky. After all, this ship was barely able to carry 500 tons of cargo back in the Great War.

I feel I am not alone. The ship rocks ever too much, and the halls are too warm. I hope, for those soldiers' sakes, I make it." #fangame #fnaf #horror #strategy #survival

Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

update 1.1

Balanced nights 3 and 4 to be less overwhelmingly chaotic and retimed the Window Man to be less annoying and obtrusive.

if you didnt know its out, its out

My game is complete! I learned a lot about my preferred workflow and how I should structure my games. This comes in at a whopping 200 megabytes! (WOW!) Also i made this game in like 2 weeks lol


The Long Voyage Official Trailer


We Protect What Cannot Protect Itself.

- The I.N.G.C