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Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Crass Humor

progress is going so slow its discouraging

although the home is almost done, there is still the outdore, enviroment and encounters to do : (

It's night there is someone behind the wall. I don't know what to do, my mom passes by it without noticing anything and although I was scared, maybe if I pretend I can't see it nothing will happen.

I start with my oldest childhood dreams filled with FUN and wonder. Me flying, trying to fly, trying to flee the bloodshed, murder, horrors of my surrounding. Loosing my mom, looking for her, using superpowers that fail at the worst time, etc..


What is this?
In short, I am taking stories (dreams) I remember or written down and make a narrative interactive game out of them.

The closest game that is what I am trying to make is LSD: dream emulator.

There are games with dream elements, dream like atmosfere, dream logic (moon logic), taking place in dreams or dream like places.
My attempt is to recreate my dreams as faithfully as posible, something I haven't seen anyone do.