
Comments (16)

What do you think?

I've only beaten 'the beginning' so far-but this is a very good game! nice job :D

Beat 'The Beginning' pre-set a few times and the game is for some reason refusing to let me progress to other challenges. I have also not recieved the achievement for the challenge despite beating it the amount of times I did.

Still think the game is great! :D Just thought I would mention this in case it is a bug or maybe I am doing something wrong which I am not sure of. :) Cheers! :D

Are there secret nights?

malek comment is lost media

What file type is this game?


EDIT: Its a RAR so IDK how to install :(


The Return To Freddy's: Custom Torture

Version: 1.0.67 months ago
Wait for the major update if you want the full experience



The Return To Freddy's: Custom Torture is a retake of the original "The Return To Freddy's" from ground up in base of a custom night architecture.

The game was made as a way to learn more things about the ai, balancing, graphics, style, etc.


The game features:

  • 8 CHARACTERS: The game contains the original cast of the original game, including Sugar and Ghoul BB

  • MODIFIERS: Modify your night using the modifiers. It can even change the behaviour of certain animatronics!

  • ACHIVEMENTS: Up to 15 achivements to collect! Are you be able to get the ultimate achivement?

  • DIRECTX11: The game supports Directx11 to embrace the experience without the black square

  • SETTINGS: Perfect if you don't like how the game looks by default

  • Oh yeah reworked every mechanic i guess




Tyler ahlström: the original owner of TRTF

ME: coded the entire game

SÑ•G: for a cool ass effect that appears for minute in the entire game, and also the discord rich presence tutorial

MikeGamePro: for the "five nights at freddy's" font

EmilMacko: for the sugar model (also, every asset from the original trtf are also credited i guess)

ToadXW: Huge inspiration to make Custom Torture

#fnaf #horror #fangame #trtf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence

A new major update it's in the planning stage

Help wanted

Trtf custom torture 1.0.6

ok 1.0.5 is up again now with "the beginning" bug fixed

thanks for the waiting and enjoy

It seems like 1.0.5 has a bug where when you beat "the beginning" the game doesn't give the star and achivement, and so you can't get access to other challenges and mad mind

I'm aware with this bug but i can't fix it rn

I will fix it when i can (sowy)

1.0.5: + will there be a TRTF 2: Custom torture?

Update 1.0.4

The Discord Rich Presence update

Ok 1.0.3b is up, fixed chica's kill timer.

Please don't play 1.0.3 and install this new version because it could be invalid if you going to mad mind + all modifiers

1.0.3 is out

1.0.2.... oops