Comments (38)
Gave it a go...
The combat needs some work, but this is otherwise a solid beat'em up game with nice bits of humor peppered in. I like what I see and definitely enjoy the music going on. Good job. https://youtu.be/q8pMKppe_lg
Made a wee vid on it, seems like it's gonna be a lot of fun https://youtu.be/PpeX2u6PvgM
A lovely idea with a lot of unpolished elements.
Congratz for the nice camera style and character design, and specially the mix of Horror and Action - it felt pretty cool!
But in the other hand the game felt really unpolished with a lot of minimal things to fix, (but really, a lot); Like the sound volumes, bugs with Combat, Camera and Monsters, and maybe reducing some of the noise.
Anyways, Gratz for the idea and hope we can see the game polished soon :D
Im here to help if you need some Q&A too!
It's a pretty fun game, but I feel like the 2d characters in a 3d world makes it very difficult, I feel like I was missing a lot when it looked like I was just maybe an inch to the side from in front of something, other than that fighting is pretty good. As almost everyone has mentioned, the resolution isn't great, but you nailed that good old grim adventures of billy and mandy style and the music is fantastic. Thanks for the email, and I hope you enjoy the video! https://youtu.be/P_sZL5m6gLo
The Eerie Adventures Of Kally 2019 DEMO

The Eerie Adventures of Kally is a Cartoony Horror Beat'em up where our characters find themselves in hell, in order to escape, you have to fight against the minions of the Supreme King's Castle. Grabbed By The Ghoulies spiritual successor.
Inspired in those cartoons from the 90s/2000s era, and in Billy and Mandy.
Also, with the awesome soundtrack of Gaiaman77 and Trevor Winchenbaugh!
Thank you for the support!

#horror #roguelike #shooter #retro #survival #action #arcade