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I have already 100% decided what I’m going to do, create a game dead ahead zombie warfare version gamejolt (is pixelart)
game page:
#gamedev #dev #DAZWGJV #videogame #pixel #Gamejoltzombiewarfare #soon

Next video: Mechanic lvl 30 be like:

#memes #xd #next #lol #coomingsoon #soon

I’m back!!! Oh yea!!!

I’m preparing for a collab... (Those who want to participate can put it in the comments)

Me estoy preparando para una collab... (Los que quieran participar que lo pongan en los comentarios)

#madness #madnesscombat #animation #soon

The New Pixel Comic Announcement ... "The Crews" Coming In 2025... #NewComic #2025??? #Soon

Coming soon on YouTube: Dead Ahead Zombie Warfare.exe (exe = experience)

#memes #comingsoon #soon