Comments (2)
what is the logic? The mid development build is 1 mb and the final build (which btw if you have gamejolt client never press launch and say open folder then go to data and you will see a exe file) is half a mb (500kb)?????
i have been posting the mid development saveFacepalm
Story Texts (Chapter 1)
Code Blocks Project
Here is the project so you can destroy and modify anything!
Hi! This is a simle game i made in codeblocks with c++
This games intent is to be a game where i pactice my skils as i learn C++!
yes i am still learning and this is a game i have n intent to make profit of.
P.S. This is a Win Console Game so Sorry mac users! I love mac though!
This game is a simple Texting game where you go through a text
You can't write anything is something like hoked text stories if you know what im talking about!
I hope you like the game and i am working on chapter 2