Comments (1)
Am replaying all the levels again lately, i am fixing Level 4 and replaying through it.*

Fixing tons of bugs currently. There is a major bug with items dropping infinitely and things are being reworked with the scripts currently..*

The Legend Of Zelda (Mystical Harps) DEMO

Enter a mysterious Ocean Tower, discover massive-lands filled with Overworlds & Dungeons. Find Mermaid Scale & Collect
Golden Harps in order to save Mermaids & inhabits within the lands from an unknown evil threat.

(I'm still very very active working on this quest currently today.)
Notice: This is a completely original game with a brand new story.
There is no Zelda and no Ganon in this game..
Notice: ZC Engine to play the game can be found below here:
(^You will Need 3.0 ZQuest to Download - in Order To Play.)
^How To Use Zelda Classic Player:
Oversized Quest: to download click link below (Updated: 5/12/24)
(All Enhanced Music Must Be Used Below Here:)
UPDATES: (Currently Working On A Laser-Tag ZC Mini-Game for MH.*)
There are 5 Dungeons Playable in this game Demo as 6 7 8 and 9 are still being revamped and worked on.'
Project Discord Page Here: https://discord.gg/HGanJ6w2U2

Created by: SkyLizardGirl, Big-Joe, Nightmare-James & Jesse.
All the Building/Maps/Landscapes/Areas and Dungeons of this game are all done by me Arianna Ritter.
Scripting: Gathered by Mero, Zoria, Emily, Moosh with Mermaid Switching scripts & Big-Joe for Dungeon Bosses and hundreds
of various specific Newer scripts.

From vicious Beast-Dungeons, to the 9-Generals, to Islands armies, to ancient creatures, to mystical monsters.
-Discover who's behind a plot, holding Ocean-Towers populations hostage.
All Residents/Landscapes throughout and beyond Harpian-Fields, weigh boldly at your side.
New Nightmarish forces around all corners 'slowly torment with forbidden ancient curses,' -yet to be reckoned with.
Only the Hero of courage 'Link' can possibly save the Atlantean Kingdom hidden deep within' the island's gigantic tower.

Discover bizarre origins + untold relics about the lands Mysterious beginning.
Follow Old man 'Whimsical Wizard' as he helps guide you on your path along with the help of 'Princess of the Mermaids' 'Arianna' Giving Link
the power to Swap & switch places with her in battle, giving the player the ability to discover new 'hidden underwater secrets.'

Impossible never before seen bosses of the likes: Defeat all evil causes tormenting the ancient Ocean-Tower while helping those of Lost Atlantis.
Help Link solve the mysterious landscape while escaping a mysterious new unknown evil threat, pending certain dooms set out upon the towers inner plains.
(The Quest takes place after Zelda II & after Zelda Outlands.) -An Alternate timeline after Link's events - in the 'Hero has fallen timeline.'
This is Link's most mysterious hair-raising adventure yet.

The Story from the beginning:
~Link is on his vacation after taking on the Mysterious Outlands.
While brushing up on his sword skills,
He has been training at a Swording training complex to brush up on his warrior skills finally learning the Side-Slash.
It is time for him to leave and end his vacation at long last.
He decides to head off on his trip home back to Hyrule. Before exiting the Outlands, Link notices a 'mysterious golden Lock-block blocking his way back.
.. With it blocking his escape route, Link searches throughout the maze of gold Locks set up by the Sword Trainer Complex Owner to protect the
vacation complex against the monsters outside.

Along the way, Link is warned by an Odd man in a cave to 'Beware of the Beach up North.' For Sailors and people visiting the beach have
gone missing from the outside of these Out-lands.
He also warns of legends of Mermaids luring people in and dragging men out to the sea in order to drown them alive.
Link doesn't believe the man, thinking he's making up crazy stories about the landscapes for tourists who visit here, .. but it is far from that.
Up North there is a mysterious Relic-Tower with a stairway up high within Hyrule-Outlands where Link can visit an 'Mysterious Ancient Museum'
where tourists are visiting and viewing ancient stone mural displays, written thousands of years ago. at the location.

However, .. Link happens to encounter a mysterious 'Moblin citizen', who gives Link a Mysterious ancient book.
Inscribed as A Story within the pages;
(Mystical Harps) -Tales Of The Mermaids: The Book and stories within it, tell of a mysterious journey and tragedy at its end, A spooky tale..
Link haven't even read the book continues onward as he proceeds to the area he was warned about. 'The Beach Up North.'
-But without him knowing it, could this book predict the future?
The Legendary Hero of Courage, Link.. Is about to embark upon an unknowing adventure.
Link Stumbles Upon the 'Lens of Truth' -Just laying there mysteriously on a dock's entrance.
Using it carefully, he discovers a bridge suddenly appearing towards the Vast Ocean.
.. What awaits him from here on outward?

Developer Notes:
-In the Original Zelda Game, i always loved the Idea of buying 'Extra spare keys,' so i kept that system in.
However there are some keys you can Only use, in the Dungeons alone..
As you use them, they will disappear when you leave certain dungeons and
'Re-appear' if you Re-enter the Dungeons you have finished in your inventory.
Also, there are Some Items that will not show up within your inventory, if you enter some new map locations:
These are 'all Deactivated' for that one Overworld area, until an Upgraded version of that Higher Level - Weapon is Obtained.
Example: The Magic-Candle or Rocky-Hammer, cannot be used on certain maps, until you have obtained the next upgraded version of that weapon.

Mechanic: (Link has the ability to Switch places with the 'Trident wielding Mermaid' to reach 'untouchable underwater secret areas', Preventing Link from entering these places, to explore the world or solve puzzles through various dungeons.
The Underwater Realm below the Ocean-Tower resembles an 'Other World' theme felt throughout few previous Zelda titles.
You can control the Mermaid Princess wielding her Trident harpoon in place of Links usual Sword.
Finding the 'Magic Mermaids-Scales' grants you access to switch with the Mermaid in the other halves of dungeons in order to obtain each 'Master- Key.'
(There are 85 known Beast Animal Shaped Dungeons it is rumored.. )

There are also 9 Generals barricading the island's inhabitants who link must fight above their giant moving castle monstrosity complexes.
Link must take each general down.
While they are all being Commanded / Ordered to take over control of the lands by an unknown evil threat.

Link and the Mermaid must come face to face with an ultimate destroyer.
Wielding weapons holding ancient curses, the residents of Ocean-Tower weigh boldly at your side ..*
Remaining Notes:
For those interested in trying out the beginning of this game.
-I am occasionally always updating the game with new features every now and then.
So if you didn't get the quest file today, just try again another day.
The download is updated constantly.
Anyways, I hope Nintendo likes this idea so much. It could maybe one day inspire an actual future Zelda game title for one of Links latest Journeys.

If you guys experience any errors with the game
Download the quest again another day.
Errors are constantly being hammered out of the project.
I promised to myself to get this game completed.

Cooking and Treasure Menus have been Implemented into the game.*