
Comments (6)

What do you think?

i think the superlitkids found out about gamejolt

The amount of brainrot here makes me want to jump off a cliff


WOW!!! #100Views!!! Or just #102Views for that matter!!! THX for all of your guy's positive love and support and everything you guys!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!

Game Soundtrack

62 songs

Main Menu Theme Song #1 - (For Episode One Only!!!)

Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science


(All Messages Typed Originally on: March 18th, 2024)

Welcome To Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!! Population: Where Nothing's Better Then Inspiring Your-Own-Self and Others Alike!!!!!


Since 1919 through 2024, nearly 105 Years with no incidents/accidents none whatsoever!!!!!! Come with us and Join us on our beloved and brand-new adventures with our belove cast of Parody Characters and Parody Cameo Characters here at our beloved parody-like studio known as "Haxx Hustun Studios"!!!!! Were things can NEVER be wrong or flopped about!!!!!

All of your beloved cast of Parody Mascots and Parody Cameo Mascots will be all delighted when you guys can just come on down and have some wonderful, interesting, relaxing-ing, and some safe new adventures with Nave Jonnson's Son, our cast of HHS Parody Characters of course, and yes, even the ones from Jax Justun Studios as well too!!!! You may also look at our beloved Banner Poster Shrines as well!!!! So yeah then, what are all you folks waiting for then???..............

.............Come on down to Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!! The most safest and more positive parody-like studio on Earth!!!!!

Sincerely, - Cever Graterver (The Header Mascot CEO of Haxx Hustun Studios)


Everything About Episode One Only of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!


Plot for Episode One Only!!!!

(Created on: March 20th, 2024)

Plot for Episode One:

After you'd finished your night job, you'd then walked into some unknown kind of place deep below inside of an underground cave!!!! There you'll see then that it's actually the ultra remains of some kind of old place known as Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! A place where it use to be home of only the Parody Mascots made from many past workers of Haxx Hustun Studios itself!!!! But now, it was ruled by the souls that live inside of those mascot horror attractions themselves!!!!

Nearly from surviving all of those dangerous and mysterious creatures during your moments back at some now-closed-ed museum, you must face the unbearable and unforgivable secrets hidden away all over the old remains of the Haxx Hustun Studios facility!!!! Solve puzzles, find tapes, explore the unknown, and survive so carefully from all of the Parody Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! And to all things clear, not everyone is perfect from this world all around you!!!!! This is survival and not real-life!!!!!!!

-End of Plot for Episode One

Story for Episode One Only:

Episode Code: 789-HDK-LP93

Everything About Episode Two Only of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!


Plot for Episode Two Only!!!!

(Created on: March 20th, 2024 "ASLO!!!")

Plot for Episode Two:

Nearly surviving the first bottom floors of the old and abandoned-ish remains of the facility of Haxx Hustun Studios and also that elevator crash as well, you had then stumbled upon a strange and newer-ish floors among the remains of the old abandoned Aperture Science Headquarters!!!!!! Now ruled by some more dangerous threats all made from them workers of HHS Inc and whatnot, this is like no ordinary parody-like facility!!!! It's a parody-like studio runed from the workers of Jax Justun Studios also as well!!!!

While navigating yourself from using some sort of new and interesting Aperture-like Portal Device, you'd then come across a strange and now abandoned waterpark, which all runed by the owner of Haxx Hustun Studios known as "Baxx Jonnson", the son of the owner of Jax Justun Studios which is of course "Nave Jonnson" himself!!!!! While discovering the unforgettable remains of this now and abandoned waterpark, you'll also encountered some brand new monsters or Parody Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!

And as always, not only that you'll be doing more and more climatic-like puzzles to solve and finding more and more crazy-ness of some secrets, but also encountered some strange-like human-noid-like creature that lurks all over the waterpark!!!!! With of course, some familiar faces from existing properties and such. And to all things clear, not everyone is perfect from this world all around you!!!!! This is survival and not real-life!!!!!!!

-End of Plot for Episode Two

Story For Episode Two Only:

Episode Code: 784-76K-LPKV


Everything About Episode Three Only of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!


Plot for Episode Three Only!!!!!!

(Created on: March 22nd, 2024)

Plot for Episode Three:

Nearly surviving another elevator-like crash scenario created from the aftermaths of one of Parody Mascots/Characters of Haxx Hustun Studios, you and your two best buds (that were originally from a futuristic-like city) had now stumbled upon more and more places around the ruins of the Aperture Science Center which were all now taken-ed over from the old and abandoned-ness of the remains of the Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science HQ as well!!!!!

Realizing that you and your two new best friends aren't still alone here in this crazy and upside-down-ness of a place, you're all then been greeted with some brand-new foes that aren't bad after all........Only one though because the other one's a tricker-like trickster!!!! You know, the one that made 2nd elevator crash that had happened before?!?!!!!! Now with the help of the Aperture-like Portal Device, now known as the Aperture HHS Drone-8000, and your new helper in need-ness, you and your two best chicks must survive new creatures, solve more puzzles, and finding more and more secrets hidden all over these strange and test facility rooms, homes, and etc. And to make all things clearer, not everybody's perfect around here!!!!! This is now a survival test!!!!!!! Not just an exploring area of positive-ness!!!!!

Story for Episode Three Only:

Episode Code: 978A-ADD-LW993

Everything About Episode Four Only of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!


Plot for Episode Four Only!!!!!

(Created on: March 22nd, 2024 "ALSO!!!!")

Plot for Episode Four:

While riding with your two best buds, and alongside with your third and brand new friend, you and your three best-ness of BFFs here had FINALLY escaped the old and abandoned ruins of the remains of Haxx Hustun Studios, the Napature Science HQ, and the other facilities having those creepy and violent Parody Mascots/Characters lurking and living all over the shadows!!!! Overall though, your friends and yourself have finally made it all out alive!!! Hope was also all been saved at last!!!!!!! Until minutes later, it wasn't!!! You thought that everything's finished and the horrors were done for?!?!?!!! Well, this story's still beginning to shape up and everything!!!

Until when hope was finally coming towards you, you'd already thoughted wrong!!! When this "Ghosty Host" dude had triggered the portal-transferring systems on the room-elevator that you and your friends were in, you'd then all been transported inside of a familiar world where the original adventures had all began!!! It was the "Real World"!!!!! That's where the events of Minecraftia and many other past stories were made in!!!!! And now, today starts in an all-new adventure here in the Real World, where you and your three buds named "Sophia", "Belle", and "Lucinia" are now having to survive more and more things deep below and above the surfaces, solving even more puzzles, and finding more and more and more secrets about the Histories of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!

Speaking of which, the remains of the ruins of Haxx Hustun Studios had all also combined-ed with the Real World as well!!!!! Not just that though, more and more new Parody-like Mascots had came out to play!!! But not in positive and wonderful ways for that matter!!!!! You'll also come across some old friends and foes as well!!! Besides, and to JUST make all things clearer, not everybody's perfect around here!!!!! This is now a survival test!!!!!!! Not just an exploring area of positive-ness!!!!!

Story for Episode Four Only:

Episode Code: 3BB8A-983-1103


Everything About Episode Five Only of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!


Plot for Episode Five Only!!!!!

(Created on: March 30th, 2024)

Plot for Episode Five:

From nearly escaping one them newest attractions inside of Real World that were all made from Haxx Hustun Studios, you and your three buds "Sophia", "Belle", and "Lucinia" had of course, stumbled across some new portions of the Real World that were all ruled from once again, the remains of the abandoned walls of the old facility of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! However though, it's not just those remains of Haxx Hustun Studios themselves...........NO!!!!.............You and your new three best friends had also realized that the old remains of now abandoned and unfunctional Parody-like Amusement Park known as "Minecraftia"!!!!! Now all abandoned and broken down since May 24th, 2024, for nearly 209 years of development-ness!!!!!

While stumbling across the ruins of Minecraftia all made from Jax Justun Studios, more and more new parody-like comers of Haxx Hustun Studios are ready to pounce even more and ready to put you guys into a crazy-ness of a challenge!!!! While exploring the Real World, you and your friends will come across some familiar places and some old foes as well!!!! Besides that good old drone of BanBan's of his here, we have the seventh floor from the #7thGofBB game, the castle of The Ender Dragons and their Parody Wives of Minecraftia, and of course, the Parody Mascots of Jax Justun Studios from 2018 towards today here in 2024!!!!! Survive each of these HHS Strange and Dangerous Challenges, and everything will all be opened-ed for you and your friends!!! And this is War of Haxx Hustun Studios Now!!!! Survive as long and as much as you can!!!!!

Story for Episode Five Only:

Episode Code: 323-LJN3-10093

Everything About Episode Six Only of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!


Plot for Episode Six Only!!!!!

(Created on: March 30th, 2024)

Plot for Episode Six:

From Nearly almost getting killed from the most destructive elevator crash of all time, you and your three best friends had survived and come across a much familiar and interesting shopping mall known as "The Pearlridge Mall Center"!!!!! Now all ruled from the old and abandoned ruins of Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science Incorp. and the Parody Mascots/Characters of Haxx Hustun Studios as well!!!!! Some that you and friends had seen before and some that are new to the plates here!!!!! However, don't let this nonsense fool you guys because during your and friends-es new adventures here in this crazy shopping mall here, you'll be greeted from the echoes of them sounds of almost all of them Parody Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!

You'll also come across not only other old/past parody and cameo characters from them past years or so, but also coming towards another part of the old ruins of HHS as well known as "The Stadium of Veggey Heggey"!!!!! Speaking of which, for almost the entirety of your adventures, you'll realized that this strange half human girl-like puppet thing was stocking you and your new three best friends this entire time!!! And of course, you'll be also doing more and more easy, strange, and/or frustrating puzzles as well!!!! With boss fights included and even a new weapon with some grabbing pack-like features in it!!!!!! As always, survive each of these Strange and Dangerous Challenges, and everything will all be opened-ed for you and your friends once more!!!!!! And once again, this is War of Haxx Hustun Studios Now!!!! And yes, of course..........Survive as long and as much as you can as always!!!!! You're gonna need this sh..........Stuff!!!!! HAHAHAAA!!!!

Story for Episode Six Only:

Episode Code: 31H24-LLJ9-2590


Everything About Episode Seven Only of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!


Plot for Episode Seven Only!!!!!

(Created on: April 1st, 2024 "April Fools Day!!!!")

Plot for Episode Seven:

After that weird and strange battle that you and your friends had to deal with with Veggey Heggey and the rest of the Parody Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios, and just right after that you and your friends had for now defeated Veggey Heggey herself, you and your friends had returned back to the "The Pearlridge Mall Center" and also met familiar faces that you'd already seen before from them past events of Minecraftia!!!! Speaking of new faces, more and more brand new foes and friends from Haxx Hustun Studios had also made appearances as well nearly just many moments right after ages of absences!!!!

However, you may had realized from your longest journeys and everything that most of those HHS faces are actually ones that are known as Parody Cameo Characters/Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! Some from shows, some from movies, some from video games, and some from lots and I mean lots of fan-made projects and everything!!!! While you and your old and new friends are meeting new and/or old faces, you guys will also be doing the usual stuff as well!!! Like solving puzzles, using a drone, keycards, weapons and so much more!!!! Yes!!! Weapons are usable now!!!! Including some axes to the face!!!! And as always, make sure to be positive among the world of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! The faith-ness of everything relies on you!!!

Story for Episode Seven Only:

Episode Code: M0715-J2117-S0922

Everything About Episode Eight Only of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!


Plot for Episode Eight Only!!!!!

(Created on: April 12th, 2024)

Plot for Episode Eight:

From surviving almost everything that you and you're friends had accomplished, conquered, and vanquished-ed so far from the past seven episodes, you and your friends have come across one of the most biggest and most challenging thing yet!!!! SURVIVING THE BIGGEST PLACE AMONG THE ENTIRE (HHS) HAXX HUSTUN STUDIOS CONTINENT!!!!! Exploring the now and never to be forgotten biggest mall that was ever been made from all workers from Haxx Hustun Studios and Jax Justun Studios!!!!! (A third/secret parody-like studios/company included too!!!) While exploring this mall known as "The Drustreeus (DRUST-Stree-YUS) Mall of HHS", you'll once again come across more and more new obstacles along your journeys/adventures!!!!

Such as of course, new puzzles, more new parody mascots/characters, more old/past parody characters/mascots also, a lot more challenges, and of course, more and more boss fights!!!! And be careful as well because this place is arguably one of the most biggest places that you and your friends had ever walked around in!!! And it's also one of the most massive-ness of places among the entire world of the Haxx Hustun Studios community!!!!! So once more, keep your eyes on any of the dangerous threats that lurk around the remains of the forgotten places of the Haxx Hustun Studios Universe. And as always, make sure to be positive among the world of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! The faith-ness of everything relies on you!!!

Story for Episode Eight Only:

Episode Code: A131959-20203-KJHG


Everything About Episode Nine Only of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!


Plot for Episode Nine Only!!!!!

(Created on: April 13th, 2024)

Plot for Episode Nine:

Getting all coopted from these past eight areas and places among the ruins of Haxx Hustun Studios and their crazy attractions, bizarre-ed parody-like landscapes, and of their most un-forgotten-able parody mascots/characters & parody cameo characters/mascots, you're all now not prepared for what's to come during your nineth part among your longest journey yet here in Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!! One by one, you and your friends had came upon or came across so many strange, weird, dangerous, and the most un-positive threats that were all lurking around the old and never to be forgotten ruins of the remains of the Haxx Hustun Studios facility, and also for the ones of Napature Science Incorp. (originally called as "Naperture Science Inc." by the way) as well!!!!! But now, the past events had FINALLY past and now newer and bigger places are ready to explored for the first time ever in a very long time!!!!!

After from getting into a bus that was made from the workers of Napature Science and escaping the collapsing sounds of them ruins of "The Drustreeus (DRUST-Stree-YUS) Mall of HHS", you and your friends (plus some past ones from them past events of Minecraftia) are now stumbled upon yet another massive part of the ruins and walls of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! Known as "The Greator Water Funland Attraction", also/better known as "Greator Water Fun-Land", opened since June 12th, 1988, this now dangerous and most threatening parody-like water park is now being held & ruled by "The DHVs Team" team or known as just "The DHVs", all known as "Drishing", "Therrance", "Mr. Dynamtapus", and of course "Veggey Heggey", now fused and connected together with "Veggiee Spreyer", the middle sister among the other Spreyer Sisters!!!!!

And now, it's up to you and your friends, along with a brand-new and interesting portal-like device to save this messed-up parody-like water park or land once and for all from the four main DHVs!!!!!! From solving puzzles, from saving more and more innocent lives, and discovering more and more backstories among the lore and histories of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! This is your biggest destiny yet!!!! Don't screw it up!!!!!!

Story for Episode Nine Only:

Episode Code: SLP1964-2025-1243

Everything About Episode Ten Only of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!


Plot for Episode Ten Only!!!!!

(Created on: April 15th, 2024)

Plot for Episode Ten:

Almost nearly like NINE WHOLE ADVENTURES later, and now you and your friends are now heading towards your #10thOne now folks!!!!! After escaping from the sudden collapses-ness of the now and forgotten ruins of the parody-like water park made from Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science Incorp., your friends are now heading towards into the most greatest unknown of HHS Secrets that lurks around the SMG4 World!!!! But now that "ITW" is living in the Real World, trying to fix all of his parody-like problems that he had made, it's now up your new best friends Sofia, Belle, Lucinia, and some other old and/or new friends to stop this parody-like chaos from happening so sooner then later!!!!!

While exploring around separate parts among the SMG4 World, Sofia Porter has stumped across what may be known as "Omnia Academy"!!!!! What may be originally known as some college or academy located in Bricktown, Mushroom Kingdom, It was known as some kind of SPECIAL college that used to hosts so many interesting clubs instead of just classes to help out many or different types of students in whatever they want from needing it, no matter how mysterious or functional it could be!!!!!! But now, after like three years after the events of the "God Box Incident", it's now overpopulated from the parody-like magics from the Parody Mascots/Characters of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!! And it's nearly almost the end of May of 2024, and Sofia, her sister Lucinia, and their best friend Belle, must work together in order to survive each new threat, solve each puzzle, and use their weapons wisely in order to survive the new incomers of this crazy, unpredictable, and magical college!!!

And it's not just this world that's under the parody-like spells of both Apature Science and Haxx Hustun Studios, there's a lot more other worlds, dimensions, and/or universes that are under the commands of them Parody Mascots of HHS (Haxx Hustun Studios) and yes!!! Even the ones from Jax Justun Studios and Minecraftia as well!!!!! And as always...............This is your biggest destiny yet!!!! Don't screw it up!!!!!!...............However though, this isn't end you know right!??!?!!!! Your adventures and journeys among the world of both Napature Science and Haxx Hustun Studios are only just beginning!!!!! #other #adventure #puzzle #action #survival #horror #fangame #fnaf #rpg #arcade #platformer #roguelike #pointnclick #shooter #sports #strategy #textadventure #altgame #WelcomeToNapatureScience!!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!!

Story for Episode Ten Only:

Episode Code: SMG34-RAM04-022022


Want to find out more and more about the rest of this game here?!?!?!!! Find out more when the next parts come outs!!!!!! Episodes 11 through 20 will be having their own plots and stories (plus the stories for episodes One through Ten) in a separate post that'll be pinned up top on this game's official game page only!!!! Stay tuned for some future updates!!!!

{Link to it's Pinned GameJolt Post:}

It's FINALLY here!!!!

Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes
Comical Shenanigans

Haxx Hustun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header #8 - (Created on: Sept. 8th, 2024) We're all closing here at the very end of the first week of Sept. of 2024 you guys!!!!! For me though, it kind of went off into a rocky start and everything!!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #24 - (Created on: September 7th, 2024) Are you all seeing what I am seeing now for tonight/today!?!!??!! Yep!!! Another official #HHSparodyCharPoster has been created!!!! Wait??? Is that really him people!??!?!?!

Haxx Hustun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header #7 - (Created on: Sept. 7th, 2024) Alright people, to be honest about all of this, this might have been one of my least favorite days that I'd ever had so far!!! It's not even the end of the first week!!!!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #32 (For Meggy Spletzer) - Created on: Sept. 7th, 2024 I must say people, mornings can sometimes not all be good and everything!!! But look, today's now the #7thDay of September of 2024!!!!!

Haxx Hustun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header #6 - (Created on: Sept. 6th, 2024) Well guys, the wait's finally over!!! The official story for Episode Five's finally been completed!!! BTW, yes, it's like late on my side here!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #31 (For Mr. Vampire Bust “The Robo Vamp”) - Created on: Sept. 6th, 2024 Seriously!!! Another one!!!! How many of these rare parodies are there from this youngest parody-like company/studios???? Umm?? Anyways, Umm???

Ender Dragon Kritters #4 (Beccala Moonlight Ender Dragon (BMED) The Moonlight Dragon) - Created on: Sept. 6th, 2024 The time has come you guys!!!!!! The #4thEnderDragonKritter's finally here at last!!!!!! With her official #EDKparodyPoster included!!!!!!!

Banner Poster Shrine of HHS (For Episodes Seven, Eight, & Nine Only) - Created on: Sept. 5th, 2024 So, you have no idea how long this took to setup and everything!!! Nearly five months!!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #23 - (Created on: September 1st, 2024) FINALLY!!!! Another one's here at last!!!!! The Official #23rdHHSparodyCharcPoster's finally been created!!!! I've been saying those sentences way to many times already!!! #GEEZ!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #22 - (Created on: September 1st, 2024) Looks like both Napature Sci. and Haxx Hustun Studios has finally created us yet another official #HHSparodyCharCartoonPoster!!!!!!!