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Someone play it please
Gupporus space island VR
This game Is a VR sandbox design for the htc vive.
Blow your mind with Insane physic toys
Listen to cool music generated by sleeping dragon
Explore with the green bean of light
Experience what VR was made for
Right controller: Trigger to grab and drop, push down on the touch-pad to shoot with any guns you may find
Left controller: Teleport to the tip of the pointer with trigger (theirs no limit so just point and click) grip the side button to pick up and drop, and use the touchpad to shoot.
Theres a table with objects on them, the do things. Pick up and thow any lose object, and some that appear to be stuck. Thers a whole spaceisland out there to explore, so what are you wating for? (except the 600 dollar price gap of owning a vive)
This is the first of the vr games I will make, the rest will most likely be walking simulators.