
======──────── THE VHS TAPE ───────======
- Move around and interact with objects with the mouse.
- Use your mind to solve the puzzles
A 23-year-old boy gets lost during his trip to Russia. He was never heard of and the case was closed without a convincing answer. Until a few days ago someone found a VHS tape recorded by the boy. You’re a detective, and you’re assigned to review and interpret that VHS tape.
- Game developed by @Mr_pixeles
- Sounds and music: Pixabay.com
- Voices taken from: https://lingojam.com/RobotVoiceGenerator
- For a gamejam by @cesar12341234 (Scratch acount)
(You can also play it in ITCHIO: https://mr-pixeles.itch.io/the-vhs-tape)
(Or in SCRATCH: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/944496240/)
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#horror #pointnclick #puzzle #other