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The War Against Darkness

Version: 0.18.3about 4 years ago


The fight between good and evil has started. Will the good or the evil side be the winner of this war?


This is a turn based board game for two players. The winner is the player that can conquer all the fields. A turn have two phases. This two phases are a "Build, upgrade and sell phase", and a "Move and fight phase".


All you need to play this game is a mouse, a Windows computer, and a friend.

The rest of the text in the description is not necessary to read before you begin playing the game.

The controls in the build, upgrade and sell phase

  • Click with the left mouse button to select a building you what to upgrade or sell.

  • Select a building in the build menu, and then click with the left mouse button on a field you want to build your building on.

The controls in the move and fight phase

  • To move all warriors on a field, click with the LEFT mouse button on the field, and then drag the mouse to a neighbour field.

  • To move a selected number of warriors from a field, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the field with the warriors, and then drag the mouse to a neighbour field. When you have done this, it opens a menu where you can select how many warriors you will move.

  • When you have moved a warrior they can't move anymore this turn. If you move warriors to a field where there already are warriors on it, those warriors will no longer be able to move this turn.

The controls when fights with your opponent

  • The only thing you can do when the warriors is fighting, is the player who started the attack can retried his warriors. This you do by clicking on the red retried button.


There are four different kind of buildings in the game. All the buildings can be upgraded to level 3.

Building: Castle

  • Building price 20 coins

  • Upgrade price 10 coins

  • What do the building do? Makes new warriors on the field every time it is your turn. (+1 warriors per building level)

Building: Wall

  • Building price 4 coins

  • Upgrade price 2 coins

  • What do the building do? Increases the warriors defense strength on the field. (+1.5 per building level)

Building: Blacksmith

  • Building price 16 coins

  • Upgrade price 8 coins

  • What do the building do? Increases all your warriors strength. (+0.2 per building level)

Building: Town

  • Building price 20 coins

  • Upgrade price 10 coins

  • What do the building do? Earns you coins every time it is your turn. (+4 coins in new town and then +2 coins per upgrade level)

Buy warriors

You can also buy warriors on the Castle. It cost you 6 coins per warrior.


You can also sell one of your buildings. The price you are getting for selling a building is half of the buildings value.


When two army's stand on the same field they will fight. The fight plays automatically. The only things you can do under the fighting is changing the game speed, and the attacking army can always choose to retreat it's army.

Who wins the fight is determined by the number of warriors on the field, and the strength of the warriors. The warriors strength can be strengthened with the Walls and Blacksmith. The defended army do always gets a defense bonus, which gives +0.8 strength.

Good luck and have fun

#multiplayer #boardgame #ue4 #unreal #strategi #wargame
#strategy #action

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

You can now also buy new warriors on the castle. It cost you 6 coins per warrior.

A small change in the economy

Graphics update and increased Defence Bonus

Rule changes and better UI animations

Mouse cursor text