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#horror #adventure #shooter #survival

Du weist nicht wer oder wo du bist , Es ist ein Horrorgame oder doch nur ein traum wechsel zwischen "Real" und "Unreal" Doch was ist was? , Irgentwie ist die Realität auch seltsam ?!

You do not know who or where you are, it's a horror game or just a dream ? switch between "Real" and "Unreal" But what is what? , but the reality also weird ?!

Intense Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

We have now stopped working on the game don't be sad we are already working on our next game: Hide

Unfortunately, some scripts have destroyed themselves So we have to go rewrite some scripts as for the doors and the inventory and much more :(

Leider haben sich einige scripts zerschossen

also müssen einiegen scripts wie für die türen und das inventar neu geschrieben werden :(

Unfortunately, some scripts have destroyed themselves So we have to go rewrite some scripts as for the doors and the inventory and much more :(

Wir suchen Freiwillige tester

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