
Toing's Pops
Toing's Pops requires DirectX End-User Runtimes - June 2010 and Visual C++ Redistributable 2022 to run, download below!
Toing's Pops is the most popular candy store in all of Baltimore. People of all ages flock to it for entertainment and food.
However, something feels off. There have been reports of increased levels of radiation around the area in the past, and the characters seem a bit too... Real.
You decide to investigate on your own after hours, however Toing has other plans.
Toing is the main mascot of the store, succeeding the previous mascot. Being the head guy, he doesn't like being second place. He will become overly aggressive if that happens, however staff are there to calm him down. Staff are not there after hours, there is nobody to calm him down. You anger him, and he is coming for you.
Find a way to escape!
Going out the front door would trip the alarm, so that's out of the question. Dealing with the police is the last thing you want to do. Is there a back door you could escape through? The novelty glasses you won seem to show a bit more than meets the eye, could this be of any help? #horror #adventure