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Version: 0.56.26 months ago

A short game inspired by the older Tomb Raider games

Jump, climb, find secrets, unlock gates. Play time around 15-30 min.

You will probably need an RTX card to play. If the game is below 40 FPS climbing might not work properly!

Using an XBOX controller should work, but I can't test since I don't have one..

Some useful controls and tips:
- Standing still and jumping makes you jump higher.
- Walk up to a ledge and press Ctrl to drop down and grab the ledge.
- Hold S and Jump while climbing to do a back-flip off the wall.
- C to roll/dive
- F for flashlight.
- F5/F9 to save/load.
- Space/Ctrl to swim up/down.
- Most jumps are designed to walk up to a ledge and jump forward, but some you have to sprint.
- Press Escape for options, changing to the secondary outfit might help with performance, (Numpad 2 to change).

-- Instructions:
Start GraveRober.exe in the Windows folder. If this doesn't work try the .exe file in Windows\GraveRobber\Binaries\Win64

You might have to run "UEPrereqSetup_x64.exe" in Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us before starting the game

Made in Unreal Engine 5.4

If you find any bugs, or have some feedback or feature suggestions, please leave a comment and let me know. #adventure #platformer #3d #femaleprotagonist #exploration

Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
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