Comments (10)
That's a good looking floating cow.
But seriously, this game has some serious attention to detail. Everything looks so good, the upgrades are fun, and the gameplay is straightforward and simple. There was some graphical issues with the text, but nothing that ruined the game.
Overtime, playing on my own, it did feel like I could only do so much when it came to both defending the ship and abducting cows. Perhaps giving a solo player a shotty AI companion (doesn't have to be too sophisticated) that helps shoot enemies and be a distraction would make things feel less hopeless in the higher areas. Maybe even allowing the player to set the AI to prioritize defending the ship or abducting cows, similar to how two players would function playing together. Also, I completely understand why this hasn't been implemented, with time constraints and all.
Overall, I had a good experience playing this game. Thumbs up from me!
Neat game. There were a lot of little touches that I really appreciated like the cows being attached to your craft by a laser and all of the interesting upgrades at the end of each round. I enjoyed a lot of them, like weaponizing my cows into laser guns. I also enjoyed the music. Nice job!
Love the music, sound, and destructible enemy sprites!
The art on the main menu is looking great, but I think everything beyond there is a little broken by the HTML5 export. I’m seeing UI elements coming out the back of the ship, and all the text is jumbled.Â
I gave it my best shot though, I think I figured out how to play! Although the ship did explode so maybe not. At first I tried swinging the pickups around to try and hit the enemies but that wasn’t working. But then I discovered you can take them to the ship. I’ve recorded a gameplay video so you can watch my journey of discovering how to play. I’ve no idea what the instruction page said, I just assumed it was in an alien language so I couldn’t read it.Â
The video is currently processing so I’ll put the link below when it’s done, but I wanted to be the first to comment. Also I’m typing this comment in a word editor because I keep clicking off the gamejolt comment window and it doesn’t save what you’ve written. It’s very frustrating lol
Also I’ll just say I’d feel horrible if the game was actually meant to look like this but I’m fairly certain it’s not.
Unorthodox Fuel Obtention (UFO)
You have to help fuel the mothership! And that means... YOU GET TO COLLECT FUEL! And what fuel would that be? Why the most wondrous and enlightened fuel known to the galaxy... COWS!
This one or two player (co-op) game was made for the YoYo Games / Opera GX Game Jam, which had "UFO" as the theme. The game was made entirely within a two week period and everything was custom made for this jam.
The gamplay is fairly simple: collect cows and bring them back to the mothership while shooting at the ever growing number of enemies and trying to prevent them from destroying the mothership. As you complete levels, more enemies will be unleashed on you, but between each level you can upgrade your UFO vehicles and mothership with powerful new weapons and shields and things.
Since this is a hi-score game, it features a score multiplier system, where you get a multiplier bonus for every cow over the required fuel limit that you get. So, you have a "risk / reward" tradeoff... Do you stay to get more of those precious cows and boost that score? Or do just run and try to survive as many levels as possible?
#OperaGX #Shooter #Arcade #Coop #short #Arena
IMPORTANT! Version 0.50 was the submitted entry but it looks like the HTML5 export was corrupted, so I re-exported as 0.5.1. I made NO edits to the game between uploads other than to clear the cache and re-build the HTML output.
This game was developed by myself and Dan Braithwaite (@Ax_UK ), hence the "Team Poisurne" logo at the start!